5 Things That Keep C-Suite Leaders Up at Night
By: Jim Gitney
C-Suite leaders often have sleepless nights. We are so committed to the success of our company that we worry about critical issues facing it. Here are 5 things that are keeping up the executives we are working with. …Read More
This entry was posted in Business Transformation, Market Effectiveness, Supply Chain Optimization, Talent Management, Total Cost of Ownership, on February 11, 2024 -
Strategy Realized – The Business Hierarchy of Needs® – Talent Optimization
By: Jim Gitney
These statistic from Boardview.io should cause pause to all senior leaders:
“80% of leaders feel their company is good at crafting strategy but only 44% at its implementation”
To make matters worse, they also report:
10% of organizations achieve at least two-thirds of their strategy objectives, with 36% achieving between 50%-67% and 54% achieving less than 50%
I have no reason to doubt these statistics based on what we see in our consulting work. The primary reasons for this are: …Read More
This entry was posted in Business Hierarchy of Needs®, Organizational Development, Strategic Planning 5.0, Strategy 5.0, Talent Management, on July 26, 2022 -
The Need for Technology Succession Planning
By: Jim Gitney
Most organizations do Leadership Succession Planning at some level of effectiveness. Very little has been written about the need for incorporating technology succession planning and while technology leadership is part of the standard succession planning model, little is done about succession planning and skills development for subject matter experts, their supporting teams and successive upgrades and new technologies. Teams …Read More
This entry was posted in Business Transformation, Information Technology, Organizational Development, Strategy 5.0, Supply Chain Optimization, Talent Management, Value stream mapping, on February 10, 2019 -
The Rise of Human Resource ( HR ) Analytics and the HR Role
In God we trust. All others must bring data
~W. Edwards Deming~
The above quote from W. Edwards Deming, widely considered as the father of quality management, tells the importance of data and its value for making decisions. The need for increased productivity requires that businesses have data-driven insights. Data-driven insights have …Read More
This entry was posted in Continuous Improvement, Information Technology, Organizational Development, Talent Management, on December 1, 2017 -
Talent Management – Succession Planning & Career Planning – 8th in a Series
By: Bruce Dougan
Succession and Career Planning is the last component of a successful Talent Management system. In the previous Talent Management Blogs, we defined “ Talent Management ” as a set of …Read More
This entry was posted in Organizational Development, Talent Management, on November 5, 2017 -
Workforce Trends Over the Next 10 Years: What It Means for Your Business
By: Jim Gitney
There are multiple business and workforce trends occurring that are affecting every business, large and small, in every industry that will require senior leaders to rethink how they acquire, utilize and manage a workforce that consists of employees, temps and contractors. The following trends have a greater impact on middle market companies. …Read More
This entry was posted in Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, Market Effectiveness, Organizational Development, Talent Management, on October 6, 2017 -
Talent Management – Comp & Benefits – 7th in a Series
By: Bruce Dougan
In the Group50’s series of Talent Management Blogs, we defined “Talent Management” as a set of integrated organizational HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate, and retain productive, engaged employees. …Read More
This entry was posted in Organizational Development, Talent Management, Weekend Thought, on February 13, 2016 -
Talent Management – Performance Optimization – 6th in a Series
By: Bruce Dougan
In the previous Talent Management Blogs, we defined Talent Management as a set of integrated organizational HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate, and retain productive, engaged employees. Hypothetically,we have created the job requirements, determined that we need someone to fill a role, recruited and hired a great new employee and provided the training required to be successful in their new role. So now your “new employee” isn’t so new (+6 months) and you want to ensure …Read More
This entry was posted in Organizational Development, Talent Management, Weekend Thought, on December 6, 2015 -
Talent Management – Training and Development – 5th in a Series
By: Bruce Dougan
In the previous Talent Management Blogs, we defined “Talent Management” as a set of integrated organizational HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate, and retain productive, engaged employees. Hypothetically, we have created the job requirements, determined that we need someone to fill a role, recruited and hired a great new employee. We need to spend a bit more of the Company’s money to Welcome the new employee (On-boarding) and provide the proper skills and knowledge (Training and Development) to provide every opportunity …Read More
This entry was posted in Talent Management, on November 15, 2015 -
Talent Management – Recruiting & Hiring – 4th in a Series
By: Bruce Dougan
In the previous Talent Management Blogs, we defined “Talent Management” as a set of integrated organizational HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate, and retain productive, engaged employees. Thus far, we have reviewed how to develop a set of skills and competencies to drive Job Descriptions, hiring criteria and Performance Management and we determined how many employees with the right skills and competencies were needed to deliver your business goals.
The focus of this blog is to develop …Read More
This entry was posted in Organizational Development, Talent Management, Weekend Thought, on October 11, 2015
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- Why Does a Middle Market Company Need an Advisory Board?
- Value Stream Mapping: Transforming Businesses with Group50 Consulting
- Unlocking Next Year’s Success This Year: The Power of Strategic Planning Consultants
- Is a Culture of Continuous Improvement Right for Your Company?
- Making the Defense Production Act Part of Your Supply Chain Strategy
- Market Effectiveness – The 12 Critical Marketing and Sales Software Systems
- Digital Technology Consulting: Navigating the Digital Landscape
- 5 Things That Keep C-Suite Leaders Up at Night
- Market Effectiveness: The Customer Journey Map for Manufacturing and Distribution Companies – Direct to Consumer – Bricks & Mortar – Business to Business
- Podcast: Jim Gitney with Host David Bookbinder on “Behind the Numbers”