Group50® Recaps 2018, Announces Addition of Lara Abrams to the Group50 Team

Group50® Recaps 2018, Announces Addition of Lara Abrams to the Group50 Team

  • Group50® Recaps 2018, Announces Addition of Lara Abrams to the Group50 Team
    By: Admin

    February 11, 2019 – (Upland, CA) – Group50, a privately-held, full-service supply chain consultancy founded in 2004 is pleased to recap its 2018 results and announce the addition of Lara Abrams to its team of executives.  …Read More

    This entry was posted in News, Value stream mapping, on February 11, 2019
  • Digital and Information Technology Practice News Announcement

    “With the addition of its Digital Technology Practice, Group 50 is fast becoming the only Consulting Partner needed by middle market companies” …Read More

    This entry was posted in Business Transformation, Information Technology, News, Strategy 5.0, Value stream mapping, on April 3, 2017
  • Deborah Wexler Joins Group50 Creating a Consulting Presence in Chicago, IL.
    By: Admin
    December 1, 2014 Los Angeles, CA Group50® Business Management Consulting Firm announced today that it has significantly expanded its consulting resources and tools in sales force effectiveness, organizational development, and change management. Jim Gitney, CEO and Founder of Group50® commented….”Strategic Execution is the cornerstone of a company’s success and our sweet spot. Our clients want to work with a consulting firm that has broad expertise and deep bench strength. I am pleased to announce that Deborah Wexler has joined Group50. As a career consultant, Deborah has helped companies design and execute their strategies through effective use of their people, processes and technology. She has led …Read More
    This entry was posted in Market Effectiveness, News, Organizational Development, on November 19, 2014
  • Tecma Talk Podcast Focuses on Total Cost of Ownership and Other Global Manufacturing Trends
    By: Admin
    Global Manufacturing TrendsEL PASO, Texas, April 28, 2014 /NEWS – The Tecma Group of companies recently recorded a podcast with the Los Angeles-based CEO of Group 50 Consulting, Jim Gitney, regarding the growing interest in the global manufacturing trends of total cost of ownership and nearshoring. During the approximately thirty minute session, Gitney explains how the industrial site selection process is no longer an exercise in chasing low manufacturing wages around the globe in order to determine which country, or countries to produce goods in. He asserts …Read More
    This entry was posted in Continuous Improvement, Global Initiatives, Manufacturing and Distribution, Mexico, News, Podcasts, Total Cost of Ownership, on April 29, 2014
  • Interview with Jim Gitney about Group50’s Five Consulting Practices
    By: Admin
    align group50 logo-trans with registry markGroup50 focuses on elevating the strategic execution performance for its clients in 5 practice areas which are covered in this interview with Jim Gitney, the CEO of Group50 Consulting. Strategic Execution Organizational Development Manufacturing and Distribution Global Initiatives Exit Planning and Transition Readiness
    This entry was posted in News, Podcasts, on April 18, 2014
  • Group50 Launches Organizational Development Practice
    By: Admin
    canstockphoto2977825Bruce Dougan joins Group50 as the head of its Organizational Development Practice UPLAND, Calif. — Group50® Consulting announced today that it has significantly expanded it consulting resources and tools in Organizational Development and change management. Jim Gitney, CEO and Founder of Group50® commented….”Strategic ExecutionTM is the cornerstone of a company’s success and our sweet spot. Our clients want to work with a consulting firm that has broad expertise and deep bench strength. I am pleased to announce that Bruce Dougan has joined Group50 to head up its Organizational Development practice. Bruce combines Technical, Operations and Human Resources expertise to Group50 as a result of his various senior level positions over a 15 year career at Procter & Gamble and his consulting background. He …Read More
    This entry was posted in News, Organizational Development, on February 5, 2014
  • Americas Integrated y Group50 Anuncian la Fusión de Ambas Compañías y la Constitución de un Nuevo Servicio Que Tendrá el Nombre Group50 – Iniciativa Global
    By: Admin
    In English Fontana, CA – La compañía local Americas Integrated anunció hoy que se unirá con Group50 ® Consultants, una empresa de consultoría en el Sur de California que se especializa en la ejecución estratégica, la fabricación y la distribución de productos. Este cambio se hará efectivo a partir del 1 de Octubre de 2013. El presidente de Americas Integrated, Jorge Silva, espera que esta fusión aumente considerablemente la confianza de los clientes actuales, ya que tendrán servicios más amplios y recursos adicionales a nivel mundial. Igualmente, la empresa tendrá la capacidad de ampliar la base de clientes de Group50 internacionalmente. Además del gran número de servicios ofrecidos corrientemente por Group50 ®, la nueva empresa pondrá en marcha una iniciativa mundial de desarrollo de negocio centrado en la expansión estratégica de negocios en el extranjero y trabajará con empresas extranjeras que desean vigorizar su presencia en EE.UU. Jim Gitney, Gerente General de Group50 declaró que: …Read More
    This entry was posted in Global Initiatives, News, on October 1, 2013
  • Americas Integrated and Group50 Announce the Formation of Group50 Global Initiatives
    By: Admin

    En español Fontana, CA – Locally owned Americas Integrated announced today that it will be merging with Group50®, a consulting company that specializes in strategic execution, manufacturing and distribution, effective October 1, 2013. Americas Integrated president, Jorge Silva, expects this merger to improve current client confidence with broader services and additional world class resources, and widen Group50’s customer base globally. In addition to the already vast number of services offered by Group50®, the new venture will …Read More

    This entry was posted in Global Initiatives, News, on October 1, 2013
  • Introducing a New Strategic Execution and Performance Management Tool: Cascade

    Group50 has introduced a new cost effective cloud based performance management and strategic execution tool called Cascade. This system provides clients with the ability to achieve higher levels of employee engagement, monitor key strategy implementation, focus on cultural and performance objectives throughout the organization and institutionalize winning behaviors throughout their company.

    Companies who have implemented Cascade have seen significant improvement in their operating performance at all levels.
    Read more about utilizing Cascade for:

    About Group50® specializes in the development and implementation of manufacturing and supply chain strategies. The Group50 team are all former executives with well-known manufacturing and distribution companies who understand what it takes to put together and manage the implementation of a successful strategic plan. Group50 has designed a series of strategic assessments, workshops and strategic execution tools that eliminate the existence of Anti-StrategyTM. You can reach us at +1 (626) 644-9746, request more information here or send a note to

    This entry was posted in Continuous Improvement, News, Organizational Development, Strategy 5.0, on March 2, 2013

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