Inflection Point and the Wealth Effect – 2 Strategies

Inflection Point and the Wealth Effect – 2 Strategies

  • Inflection Point and the Wealth Effect – 2 Strategies
    By: Admin

    I was recently having a conversation with Jim Gitney, the CEO of Group50 Consulting and he was talking about the Inflection Point of one of his clients. The company is a 2nd generation manufacturer, who is in a significant growth mode. Mom and Dad still own a majority of the company, with 2 of their 3 children running the day-to-day activities. This company has hit an inflection point with its growth plans though. Their systems, people and processes are strained …Read More

    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, Inflection Point, on October 3, 2021
  • Strategic Planning Playbook

    We recently published a blog on Virtual Strategic Planning and have received many inquiries from readers for more information.  We believe that getting your strategic plan right for 2021 and beyond is the most important thing a company can do.  Because of that we have decided to offer our strategic planning playbook free to anyone who requests it.  If you want a copy, send us a request to or request it here. …Read More

    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, M&A, Manufacturing and Distribution, Market Effectiveness, Organizational Development, Playbooks, Product Development, Strategy 5.0, on November 20, 2020
  • Manage Your Business Like You Are Going to Sell It

    Group50’s CEO, Jim Gitney, was recently asked by an executive about how he should manage the division he just took over as its president.  Jim told him “Manage it like you are going to sell it – maximize value creation”.   The executive gave a strange look and asked why that mattered. …Read More

    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, M&A, Manufacturing and Distribution, Strategy 5.0, on May 29, 2019
  • Why Hire a Strategic Planning Consultant? – Effective Strategic Execution

    Successful enterprises across the globe have leveraged on the vast experience, in-depth knowledge and understanding of a strategic planning consultant that is capable of working with senior leadership on strategic execution: been there, done that.  This effort is a cornerstone of gaining competitive advantage and thriving in highly competitive marketplaces. An effective strategic execution program facilitated by an experience strategic planning consultant helps …Read More

    This entry was posted in Business Transformation, Exit Planning and Transition, Global Initiatives, Information Technology, M&A, Manufacturing and Distribution, Market Effectiveness, Organizational Development, Strategy 5.0, on November 8, 2016
  • Creating a Personal Exit Strategy

    One of Group50’s specialties is helping business owners and professionals create an exit strategy.  As we talk with business owners, we remind them that there are two strategies that need to be developed for a successful exit or transition

    1. Your personal exit strategy
    2. A business strategy that supports it

    All business owners and professionals like yourself recognize that there is another life after they exit and what that looks like needs to be considered carefully.   All of us plan on retiring, but what does retirement mean in today’s world?  The answer to that question will …Read More

    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, on September 1, 2016
  • The Executive Conundrum With Hiring a Consultant
    Executives are faced with a conundrum when they are trying to decide on when and how to hire a consultant. There are typically 5 issues that nag an executive during this decision making process.  Those issues typically go along these lines:
    • Consultants are too expensive; especially the top tier consulting firms and they don’t get real, measureable value
    • Every professional who is unemployed or underemployed is a consultant until their next job and they don’t have the appropriate bandwidth; but they are cheap
    • Finding a consultant or consulting firm who is a cultural fit with the organization
    • Finding a consulting firm who has all the functional resources required for an entire project.
    • When to admit that we really can’t solve the problem ourselves
    …Read More
    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, Global Initiatives, Manufacturing and Distribution, Market Effectiveness, Organizational Development, Strategy 5.0, Weekend Thought, on February 20, 2016
  • You’ll Exit at Some Point—Are You Ready?
    By: Admin

    ExitIf you are like most business owners, your days are fast-paced, your activities varied and your time precious—it’s likely that you are among the 87% of owners who have no written exit plan. Yet, despite the value you’ve created in your business, you will exit at some point and need to figure out how to reap the fruit of your efforts while leaving a successful, ongoing business legacy.

    …Read More

    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, Weekend Thought, on February 7, 2015
  • Exit Planning Readiness Test
    By: Admin

    canstockphoto21418772Are you ready to exit your business or transition to a new role?  90% of closely held companies don’t have a documented exit plan or transition strategy for the owners. Worse yet, 90% of those strategies that do exist aren’t effectively implemented.

    These results are driven by three factors: …Read More

    This entry was posted in Company Physical, Exit Planning and Transition, on March 17, 2014
  • Exit Planning or Transition Readiness Survey
    By: Admin

    canstockphoto21418779Exiting the business you have built can be taxing. It means giving up what you have created: or does it? Many founders are choosing to transition to a new role in their business doing what they love to do, rather than exiting. Regardless of your thoughts, 90% of business owners don’t have a plan and haven’t done the necessary exit planning. How ready are you? It is an emotional decision …Read More

    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, on February 16, 2014
  • Exit or Transition Plan for Closely Held Companies
    By: Admin
    90% of closely held companies don’t have a documented exit plan or transition strategy for the owners. Worse yet, 90% of those strategies that do exist aren’t effectively implemented. Exit or Transition plans need to be holistic with the primary focus of increasing enterprise value so that the owners have more flexibility in their exit or transition options. The following presentation focuses on a simple methodology for dealing with these realities. Effectively Planning an Exit or Transition: Part II from Jim Gitney Group50 has created a “Exit or Transition Planning Assessment” for closely held companies. Typically lasting 1-2 days, the assessment provides owners with a clear view of how to properly plan their exit or transition and what it will take to effectively implement it. You can read about Group50’s assessment here, request more information here, or call us at +1 (626) 644-9746 to find out more. Subscribe below to Group50’s blog to stay on top of the latest trending topics:


    This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, Strategy 5.0, on November 10, 2013

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