Block Chain Survey

Block Chain Survey

By: Admin   |     March 29, 2018

Welcome to your Block Chain Survey

Which title best fits your job description?

What are the approximate annual revenues of your company?

How many employees do you have?

Which of the following best describes the industry you serve?

How would you rate your personal level of understanding of the blockchain?

What is the level of blockchain maturity in your company?

What function(s) do you believe can benefit the most from blockchain applications?

What are the primary uses for blockchain that you are most familiar with?

What are the primary benefits of the blockchain that you are familiar with? 

What is the primary method for learning about the blockchain for you and your team?

How much work are you doing in your business to research blockchain applications?

Do you believe that blockchain technologies will be a disruptive force in your industry?

Do you believe that blockchain is a disruptive internal technology?

Do you believe that implementing blockchain into your business will provide you a competitive edge in the marketplace?

Are any of your customers using blockchain technologies?

Are any of your suppliers using blockchain technologies?

Does your company have an approved blockchain strategy?

If you have a blockchain strategy or are putting one together, how are you doing it?

Who is or will be leading the blockchain effort in your company?

When will your company have an operational blockchain product?

How much will you be investing in learning about, developing or implementing a Blockchain product over the next 2 years?

Do you personally own or have invested in cryptocurrency?

Is your company using or plan to use cryptocurrencies for doing business?

Please provide us any insight you might have regarding the implications of utilizing blockchain in business or your personal experience with blockchain technology.



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This entry was posted in on March 29, 2018

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