Exit Planning or Transition Readiness Survey

Exit Planning or Transition Readiness Survey

By: Admin   |     February 16, 2014

canstockphoto21418779Exiting the business you have built can be taxing. It means giving up what you have created: or does it? Many founders are choosing to transition to a new role in their business doing what they love to do, rather than exiting. Regardless of your thoughts, 90% of business owners don’t have a plan and haven’t done the necessary exit planning. How ready are you? It is an emotional decision that needs to take into consideration your needs as well as the needs of your family, your partners and the employees who helped you make your business a success. You owe to them to have a well thought through plan that is being executed.

Exit planning requires careful though and the appropriate experts to effectively execute your plan. Find out how ready you are with the following test: Exit Planning or Transition Readiness Test. Developing a well thought through exit and transition plan requires the appropriate group of experts and the willingness to build a plan and execute it. It requires that there are two plans: one for you and one for the business that supports your plan. The business strategy needs to have a focus on maximizing enterprise value which will give you maximum flexibility when the time comes to exit. Be prepared…. take the test and make the first step to doing the proper job of exit planning. You can find out more about Group50’s Exit Planning practice by requesting more information here, emailing us at info@group50.com or calling +1 (626) 644-9746


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This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, on February 16, 2014

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