Group50 Launches Organizational Development Practice

Group50 Launches Organizational Development Practice

By: Admin   |     February 5, 2014
canstockphoto2977825Bruce Dougan joins Group50 as the head of its Organizational Development Practice UPLAND, Calif. — Group50® Consulting announced today that it has significantly expanded it consulting resources and tools in Organizational Development and change management. Jim Gitney, CEO and Founder of Group50® commented….”Strategic ExecutionTM is the cornerstone of a company’s success and our sweet spot. Our clients want to work with a consulting firm that has broad expertise and deep bench strength. I am pleased to announce that Bruce Dougan has joined Group50 to head up its Organizational Development practice. Bruce combines Technical, Operations and Human Resources expertise to Group50 as a result of his various senior level positions over a 15 year career at Procter & Gamble and his consulting background. He has extensive experience in global corporations, entrepreneurial service agencies and non-profit organizations. Bruce also brings several new workshops and assessments to Group50 significantly expanding the breadth of our Company Physical® as a result”. Upon joining Group50, Bruce Dougan commented, “We have plans to continue to broaden Group50’s expertise in Organizational Design and Development as well as Culture and Change Management. Each of these are critical to our client’s ability to effectively implement strategic change.” Mr. Dougan’s addition provides Group50® clients with the full suite required to deliver business results during strategic change. Our services now span the key aspects of change from analyzing opportunities and determining the optimal solution to ensuring the change in fully implemented. We have significant expertise in manufacturing and distribution, continuous improvement, restructuring and M&A, and now Human Resources and Organization Development. You can read more about Bruce’s background here. About Group50®: Group50® was founded 11 years ago with the vision of providing clients with seasoned professionals who have spent their careers in business. The company has developed unique consulting products such as Company Physical®, Cascade and various workshops that are focused on helping companies effectively implement strategic change. Group50 provides clients with consultants who have the specific knowledge they require for a project. More information about the company can be found at or by calling +1 (626) 644-9746.
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This entry was posted in News, Organizational Development, on February 5, 2014

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