A VSM project:
- Realizes immediate results
- Identifies causes of waste (Muda), in-efficient process flow (Mura) and misaligned capacities (Muri)
- Provides significant insight to lead times and bottlenecks in any business process, supply chain or manufacturing process
- Identifies the shadow systems inside the business which are wasteful and error prone
- Identifies organizational issues that contribute to process inefficiencies
- Provides insight to how effectively a company’s technology backbone is being used
- Formulates a roadmap that outlines the short, medium and long term projects that will take the current state to a future state that will deliver a significant ROI
These are fairly typical deliverables for a VSM project. Group50® has a series of tools it uses during its VSM project activities including Lean Business and Lean Manufacturing Assessments which are part of our Company Physical®. We extensively use Kaizan techniques and other core Continuous Improvement Tools for implementing short term projects, planning the mid- and longer-term projects and transfer the requisite knowledge and tools so that people in the organization can continue without us.
The following recent articles provide more insight on this topic:
- Case study on the application of VSM to an “order to cash” project
- Utilizing Continuous Improvement Tools at the Business Level
- The Impact of Value Stream Mapping: Organizations and Processes
- Business Processes are Like Old Laws: They Never Go Away
- Group50’s archive of articles on Value Stream Mapping
For more information on how Value Stream Mapping can help you understand the inner workings of your business or pieces of it, call us at +1(626) 644-9746, mail us at info@group50.com or request more information here.