Digital Technology Consulting: Navigating the Digital Landscape

Digital Technology Consulting: Navigating the Digital Landscape

  • Digital Technology Consulting: Navigating the Digital Landscape

    Staying competitive and relevant are two key issues on the minds of senior leaders and boards of directors. The rapid evolution of technology plays a pivotal role in addressing these two issues. To successfully navigate the digital landscape, leadership teams turn to digital technology consulting firms like Group50® Consulting. They do so to …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Information Technology, Strategic Execution 5.0 ™, on February 19, 2024
  • Industry 5.0, People – Process – Technology – Cobotics

    The implications of Industry 5.0 and the Internet of Everything ( IoE ) are not fully understood by leadership teams.  How to get there is a larger challenge.  It needs to be a strategic discussion in the board room and in the C-Suite.  Its impact, while seemingly obvious is not! Technology …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, on February 15, 2022
  • Industry 5.0 – IoT and Blockchain – An Application Case Study – Flight Safety Parts

    A lot has happened since the creation of blockchain in 2009, including the great hype of 2014-2017, when hundreds of books were written and blockchain was continuously in the news – At that point, more of a fantasy than a practical business reality.  Over the last few years, blockchain systems have matured and are going mainstream with companies now accepting cryptocurrencies for payments, issuing fungible tokens for digital assets, and notable companies such as Maersk, IBM, Walmart, and others having implemented blockchain in their supply chains.  Just as the internet was in its infancy in the late 90’s, …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Case Studies, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, Strategic Execution 5.0 ™, Strategic Planning 5.0, Strategy 5.0, Supply Chain Optimization, on January 28, 2022
  • Why Should You Care About Blockchain and IoT?

    Over the last 2 years, the hype around blockchain has cooled down significantly and IoT continues to penetrate everything we do. Our use case research has found over 400 significant business implementations in just about every industry and it is expected that the 12 billion IoT devices in 2020 will grow to 25 billion by 2025. The World Economic Form believes that Blockchain and IoT has the potential to reduce cost in global GDP by $3-5 trillion over the next 6 years. I believe that number is understated.

     So, why should you care? …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Manufacturing and Distribution, Supply Chain Optimization, on July 13, 2019
  • The Internet of Things – IoT : Making sense of Its Components
    The phrase “Internet of Things (IoT)” or “Internet of Everything (IoE)” and its application to manufacturing and distribution does not bring to mind a concrete set of images or business approach to most senior executives.  In fact, the opposite is true, …Read More
    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, on May 17, 2019
  • Digital Technology as a Strategic Asset

    Companies today increasingly recognize Digital Technology and IT infrastructure as a strategic asset that provides companies with the ability to effectively compete in its’ marketplace – an observation underscored by the Nash KPMG 2017 CIO Survey finding that CIOs sit on 62% of executive boards as opposed to 38% in 2005.  While their relative importance varies slightly from year to year, the C-Suite charter for Digital Technology consistently features the following items: …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Information Technology, Strategy 5.0, Supply Chain Optimization, Total Cost of Ownership, on April 19, 2019
  • Developing an IoT strategy for your business

    Most companies are struggling to identify the value of IoT (Internet of Things) and Blockchain in their business. That is partly due to the relationship between Strategy and IoT. While there is a need to have an IoT strategy, it needs to be a subset of the ultimate business strategy. IoT is an enabling technology that allows the business to rethink it strategy, how it goes to market and the product road (goods and services) that IoT enables.  As a result, …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Cost Takeout, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, Strategy 5.0, on January 9, 2019
  • Blockchain – IoT Strategies and Use Cases – Oil and Gas Industry

    Blockchain and IoT technologies provide an opportunity to significantly reduce upstream and downstream costs in the Oil and Gas Industry. The World Economic Forum estimates that the digitization of the Oil and Gas industry could unlock $1.6T of value globally and realize $140B in productivity. While Blockchain and IoT won’t be …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, Strategy 5.0, Total Cost of Ownership, on September 29, 2018
  • Blockchain and IoT Strategy and Use Cases – Aviation
    It was a month ago that I did a Blockchain and IoT workshop with over 65 Aviation executives at the IAFS Planning Summit in Denver.  In that workshop, I discussed Blockchain and IoT applications in the Aviation Industry.  I did an informal pole and found that the average understanding of Blockchain and IoT amongst executives is …Read More
    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Case Studies, Information Technology, on September 22, 2018
  • Group50 Announces a Mid-Market Blockchain Working Group

    Group50, Thinaër, Sweetbridge Alliance Network Form New Blockchain Working Group for Mid-Market Supply Chain Optimization and Liquidity

    Combining solutions for blockchain data integration, secure IoT, and supply chain liquidity with industry best practices for blockchain platform delivery and implementation

    …Read More

    This entry was posted in Blockchain IoT, Business Transformation, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Distribution, Strategy 5.0, on September 16, 2018

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