Exit or Transition Plan for Closely Held Companies

Exit or Transition Plan for Closely Held Companies

By: Admin   |     November 10, 2013
90% of closely held companies don’t have a documented exit plan or transition strategy for the owners. Worse yet, 90% of those strategies that do exist aren’t effectively implemented. Exit or Transition plans need to be holistic with the primary focus of increasing enterprise value so that the owners have more flexibility in their exit or transition options. The following presentation focuses on a simple methodology for dealing with these realities. Effectively Planning an Exit or Transition: Part II from Jim Gitney Group50 has created a “Exit or Transition Planning Assessment” for closely held companies. Typically lasting 1-2 days, the assessment provides owners with a clear view of how to properly plan their exit or transition and what it will take to effectively implement it. You can read about Group50’s assessment here, request more information here, or call us at +1 (626) 644-9746 to find out more. Subscribe below to Group50’s blog to stay on top of the latest trending topics:


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This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, Strategy 5.0, on November 10, 2013

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