Strategic Planning Playbook

Strategic Planning Playbook

By: Jim Gitney   |     November 20, 2020

We recently published a blog on Virtual Strategic Planning and have received many inquiries from readers for more information.  We believe that getting your strategic plan right for 2021 and beyond is the most important thing a company can do.  Because of that we have decided to offer our strategic planning playbook free to anyone who requests it.  If you want a copy, send us a request to or request it here.

In this playbook we cover three categories of activities in strategic planning.

  • Assessing the current state
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Execution

There are 13 initiatives and 36 tasks in the playbook. The strategic planning playbook highlights the key elements of a successful strategic plan:

  1. Identification of the most important goal
  2. Interviews with each member of the strategic planning team
  3. Define “Where to Play”
  4. Define “How to Win”
  5. Create measurable KPI’s
  6. Identify strategic gaps and operating gaps
  7. Create functional strategies
  8. Cascade objectives
  9. Define strategic execution tracking methods
  10. Develop communication and change management programs

We use the “Where To Play” and “How To Win” approach to strategic planning coupled with identifying the Most Important Goal for a company’s strategic planning horizon.  

You can see a a copy of our Strategic Planning Playbook, here, or request a copy by sending us a note to

You can see a list of our playbooks here.

If you want to speak with us about our strategic planning playbook and strategic execution processes, please call us at +1 (626) 644-9746, drop us a line at or request more information here

You may manage your subscription options from your profile.

About the Author: Jim Gitney is the founder and CEO of Group50 Consulting. He and the Group50 team are considered strategy, operations, and supply chain subject matter experts. Jim has refined Group50’s strategic planning methodology through many strategic planning sessions with companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 50 companies. His background includes 11 operational and financial transformations as well. You can find out more about Jim at: and see 40 recommendations from Group50 clients.

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This entry was posted in Exit Planning and Transition, M&A, Manufacturing and Distribution, Market Effectiveness, Organizational Development, Playbooks, Product Development, Strategy 5.0, on November 20, 2020

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