Market Effectiveness – The 12 Critical Marketing and Sales Software Systems
By: Jim Gitney
Market Effectiveness™ is about how well you service your marketplace and your customers. It includes how you create products and services, how you market, sell and service them and how you manage the product revenue lifecycle. Planning, measuring, and managing market effectiveness is …Read More
Digital Technology Consulting: Navigating the Digital Landscape
By: Jim Gitney
Staying competitive and relevant are two key issues on the minds of senior leaders and boards of directors. The rapid evolution of technology plays a pivotal role in addressing these two issues. To successfully navigate the digital landscape, leadership teams turn to digital technology consulting firms like Group50® Consulting. They do so to …Read More
5 Things That Keep C-Suite Leaders Up at Night
By: Jim Gitney
C-Suite leaders often have sleepless nights. We are so committed to the success of our company that we worry about critical issues facing it. Here are 5 things that are keeping up the executives we are working with. …Read More
Market Effectiveness: The Customer Journey Map for Manufacturing and Distribution Companies – Direct to Consumer – Bricks & Mortar – Business to Business
By: Admin
Market Effectiveness, a term used by Group50® Consulting, defines the business processes associated with serving customers. In every business, managing and optimizing these processes are critical to success. Manufacturing and distribution companies are especially challenged because there are many channels of distribution they must be effective at: Direct to Consumer (D2C), Bricks & Mortar and Business to Business (B2B). This article outlines …Read More
Digital Transformation Case Study – Inflection Point
By: Jim Gitney
- $6M in annual savings
- $15M in future cost avoidance
- $2+M working capital reduction
- 900% ROI
- Reduced new product cycle times from weeks to days
Market Effectiveness – Marketing That Doesn’t Erode Your Profit Margins
By: Alfredo Romero
It’s not how much money you make; it’s how much you get to keep. Unfortunately, as the cost of labor, materials and shipping goes up your profit margins go down and you get to keep less and less of your revenue. The natural response to this dilemma for many organizations is to raise prices, reduce services, cut overhead or just accept lower margins and hope to make up for it in volume. Any one of these options has risks that must be weighed very carefully. If only there was a way …Read More
Re-Opening Your Business – Best Practices Series
By: Jim Gitney
This article is the first in a series of articles on Re-opening your business. They will be written by Jim Gitney, CEO of Group50 Consulting, manufacturing, distribution and supply chain experts, and Cindy Flynn, Partner at Hackler Flynn, a labor law firm . In this series, we will talk about best practices and tips and techniques that we are learning from our clients who have opened their businesses. A lot of great work is being done and you, as a business owner, should not be faced with re-opening your business in …Read More
What is Fractional Marketing – A Way to Accelerate Your Market Effectiveness
By: Alfredo Romero
Every business owner wonders what more their company can do in marketing and sales. This is the reason why they have sales meetings, create action plans and track what the competition is doing. There is always an opportunity to improve, to move forward, to get more customers and to grow sales. In today’s environment, companies are faced with a perfect opportunity to take market share and improve market effectiveness. When …Read More
Market Effectiveness in the New Normal
By: Alfredo Romero
By many accounts, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has peaked and is slowing down. And while there is still some time before stay-at-home orders are lifted and non-essential businesses are allowed to reopen nationwide, there is an end in sight. It has been a very difficult time for businesses and individuals; the repercussions of the event will …Read More
Managing Your Way Through 2020
By: Jim Gitney
In managing your way through 2020 it is imperative that you and your leadership team carefully plan the balance of the year. In this video presentation by Jim Gitney, the CEO of Group50 Consulting, who has been through 7 economic cycles during his career talks about a 3-phase approach to the balance of 2020. …Read More