Strategy Doesn’t Matter – Unless You Can Execute It…
  • Strategy Doesn’t Matter – Unless You Can Execute It…

    Studies indicate that 90% of all companies do not execute their strategic plans effectively. So, only 10% of companies execute their strategies!? Why is there a problem with Strategic Execution™; the ability to implement strategy effectively and sustainably? Is it because they don’t care? Feel like strategy is a check the box activity?

    There are multiple issues here that companies need to deal with: (more…)

  • Don’t Sell Products, Sell Systems – The Product Lifecycle Revenue Model

    The concept of “system selling” is applicable to all products and services. System selling extends the lifecycle revenue of products and services. The wisdom of offering products and services that don’t stand alone, but which intimately fit into a greater system for the end user or client, continues to be sound and exploitable by marketers. It is a necessary element in OMNI channel strategies, product management and the Product Lifecycle Revenue Model. Why? (more…)

  • Is Your Company at an Inflection Point?

    Every company comes to at least one business or economic Inflection Point during its lifecycle.  Inflection points are when a company’s size is straining its people, processes and technologies. This typically happens at revenue ranges of $10, $25, 50, $125m $250 and $500 million in annual revenues, i.e., when they double in size, but it can also happen at an economic inflection point where a downturn in the economy has caused the company to downsize and it struggles to handle the growth from an economic upturn.

    The challenge of an inflection point is that it takes time for leadership teams to (more…)

  • Strategic Maturity – An Imperative at This Economic Inflection Point

    Strategy and its execution are a challenge for every organization, especially now with the economic inflection point every company and consumer is facing. Strategic Maturity is where a company develops a cohesive strategy and executes it through the participation of all stakeholders (Board of Directors, employees, suppliers, customers, end users and contractors). Being a class B company further complicates the matter. Strategic maturity is now more important than ever and has become an imperative. Without it, companies will not be able to (more…)

  • Strategic Planning Playbook

    We recently published a blog on Virtual Strategic Planning and have received many inquiries from readers for more information.  We believe that getting your strategic plan right for 2021 and beyond is the most important thing a company can do.  Because of that we have decided to offer our strategic planning playbook free to anyone who requests it.  If you want a copy, send us a request to or request it here. (more…)

  • Virtual Strategic Planning and Strategic Execution

    The majority of our consulting work has been virtual and like everyone else we have adapted by developing a virtual strategic planning and strategic execution process. To us and our clients, this remote workforce thing has not been as bad as people feared. Many leaders believe that employees are more productive when working from home and several companies are reducing office space and headcount because of it – one part of their strategic plan. They all agree that executing strategy has presented more challenges because (more…)

  • Navigating Growth Through an Inflection Point

    We recently worked on a project that required the integration of two $30M companies. Both had grown to this size in a short period of time and had systems that supported their individual sizes relatively well. When the two were combined, they pushed across an inflection point. An inflections point is when a company’s systems, business processes and organization structure are struggling to support the size of the company and are incapable of supporting future growth to the next inflection point. (more…)

  • Managing Your Way Through 2020 and Beyond – Part II

    It has been a wild ride the last 6 months and most companies have completed the first of three phases:  Stabilize, Reconfigure, Recover. Strategic and tactical planning for the next 12-18 months will be critical for companies.  Senior leadership teams need to focus on the Reconfigure stage and define how they will redefine their business models in preparation for the Recover phase. In the video below, Jim Gitney, the CEO of Group50 Consulting, discusses the key (more…)

  • Post Merger Integration ( PMI ) Playbook

    It is reported that 70-90% of mergers & integrations don’t deliver the value that justified the acquisition. There are many reasons, but the primary ones that tank ROI are a lack of focus related to Strategy, Culture, Project Management, Customers and Sales. Post merger integration failures typically fall into what we call the 5th stage of M&A: Alignment and Optimization which completes the integration.   In order to help companies understand the depth of this challenge, Group50 has developed a post merger integration ( PMI ) playbook (more…)

  • Re-Opening Your Business – Best Practices Series

    This article is the first in a series of articles on Re-opening your business. They will be written by Jim Gitney, CEO of Group50 Consulting, manufacturing, distribution and supply chain experts, and Cindy Flynn, Partner at Hackler Flynn,  a labor law firm . In this series, we will talk about best practices and tips and techniques that we are learning from our clients who have opened their businesses.  A lot of great work is being done and you, as a business owner, should not be faced with re-opening your business in (more…)

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