Arun Lonkar

Arun Lonkar

By: Admin   |     January 5, 2016

Arun Lonkar is the Implementation Services Lead for Group 50’s DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY PRACTICE.  Arun has  more than 30 years of experience in information technology, enterprise systems architecture, systems engineering, project management, and enterprise technology strategy. His career has focused on enterprise business applications, interoperability standards and collaborative technologies. Arun has a passion for efficient architecture and design.  His redesign of the user and system interfaces for a business critical US Army system resulted in a ten-fold improvement in response time with a five fold reduction in manpower costs. He has been an entrepreneur for 18 years serving Fortune 500 companies, Government, Intel community, Telecom, Banking and Wall Street. His most notable clients include DHS, DOD, GSA, DOJ and DOC.  He has also worked at Accenture Federal Systems, SAIC, IBM, CACI, and The Clearing House.  Arun holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Mumbai University.

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