Video Explanation of the Business Hierarchy of Needs®

Video Explanation of the Business Hierarchy of Needs®

By: Jim Gitney   |     April 18, 2022

90% of companies do a poor job executing their strategy 

The Business Hierarchy of Needs® and and Strategy 5.0™ are part of Group50’s suite of strategic planning and execution tools.  In this 20 minute video, Jim Gitney, the Founder and CEO of Group50, summarizes how the Business Hierarchy of Needs®, a change management framework, can be used by Boards of Directors and senior leadership teams to create and successfully implement business strategy. It prioritizes the those activities and identifies the 3 languages required to successfully create and implement business strategy.  


It is much easier for us to explain how the three levels fit together, because over 65% of today’s professionals are visual learners and they are more accustomed to working with infographics that tell a story. A visual that tells a story or provides a guide is far more effective.  Each item, has its own tools and processes which we at Group50® have put together to support this holistic approach to strategy and its execution.  We call it Strategic Planning 5.0™ and Organizational Development 5.0™ and our Strategic Planning 5.0™ Playbook.  Its effectiveness is evident when we walk around a company and at random you can go to any employee and they can tell you about their role in the company’s strategic plan and what they are doing about it – a “Culture of Strategic Execution”

I recently published a much more in-depth article on LinkedIn about the Business Hierarchy of Needs® and how to use it as a recipe for effectively creating and implementing a strategic plan. You can read it here.

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About the Author:  Jim Gitney, CEO and Founder, started Group50® Consulting in 2004 with the focus of working with companies to significantly improve their performance by leveraging peopleprocess and technology as part of developing a company’s strategic plan 5.0.  In 2013, he created Group50’s Business Hierarchy of Needs® change management framework, a fundamental strategic planning and strategic execution guide to senior leadership teams, and was granted a trademark in 2015. This framework eliminates the existence of Anti-Strategy.

Jim has held C-suite and Board positions in large and small companies (GE, Black & Decker, Sunbeam, Rain Bird, Pankl Aerospace and others) both privately and publicly held. He is considered a subject matter expert in strategic planning, strategic execution, operations, supply chain and restructuring.  He has taken best practices from around the world, worked closely with clients and other Group50® consultants to create Group50’s full suite of strategic planning and execution tools. Group50® consulting consists of consultants from every functional discipline who have spent their careers in corporate America developing strategic plans and rolling up their shirt sleeves to get it done.  

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This entry was posted in Anti-Strategy, Business Hierarchy of Needs®, Strategic Execution 5.0 ™, Strategic Planning 5.0, Strategy 5.0, on April 18, 2022

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