90 Day Tactical Plan – The Future of Your Business
  • 90 Day Tactical Plan – The Future of Your Business

    The global economy is re-opening and the decisions you make in the next 90 days will define the future of your business. Studies have shown that companies who are innovative and transformative during a recession outperform their peers.  In a previous blog – Managing Your Way Through 2020, we offered a playbook for re-opening your business and a three phase strategy to support it.  Most businesses are (more…)

  • Market Effectiveness in the New Normal

    By many accounts, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has peaked and is slowing down. And while there is still some time before stay-at-home orders are lifted and non-essential businesses are allowed to reopen nationwide, there is an end in sight. It has been a very difficult time for businesses and individuals; the repercussions of the event will (more…)

  • Managing Your Way Through 2020

    In managing your way through 2020 it is imperative that you and your leadership team carefully plan the balance of the year. In this video presentation by Jim Gitney, the CEO of Group50 Consulting, who has been through 7 economic cycles during his career talks about a 3-phase approach to the balance of 2020.  (more…)

  • Make America Great Again? – Failure in the First Degree

    We have been fortunate in that none of our family or close associates and friends that we know have gotten sick from COVID-19. As we sit at home attempting to construct some level of normalcy, I struggle with the magnificent failure of a system that is incapable of meeting the needs of its citizens. A system that has prioritized economics over public health. While the government, in record time, is pumping trillions of dollars into the economy to stop financial Armageddon, it has failed to put (more…)

  • Recession Planning and Fine Tuning Your Business Plan – Webcast

    Group50 sponsored this webinar which focuses on Recession Planning and Fine Tuning a company’s business plan in turbulent times. Subject matter experts in Finance, Leadership and Operations discussed best practices and the Do’s and Don’ts they learned during their corporate and consulting careers and multiple economic cycles with hundreds of companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies such as GE, Black & Decker, Deloitte, Underwriters Laboratories and (more…)

  • The Art of War – Strategic Planning and Strategic Execution

    There is a book; a book said to be so profound that any general or leader who implemented its teachings and strategies would be invincible.  The book was kept in the Forbidden City and shared only with the most elite. The book was written around 500 BC, it’s old, very old. Word of the magical book had spread through myth and conjecture over the centuries. Imagine (more…)

  • What is OMNI Channel? – Where Does It Fit?

    All of our clients are having OMNI channel discussions these days. Why? Because OMNI Channel is the front end of the supply chain and has a significant impact on supply chain optimization. These discussions are fraught with a lot of misunderstanding of what OMNI channel is and how it supports the company’s Market Effectiveness.  Googling OMNI Channel delivers (more…)

  • Connecting the Dots – What Thanksgiving and Strategy Have in Common

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.  At Thanksgiving, we take the time to stand back and realize how many things we have to be thankful for.  Thanksgiving is about connecting those dots. (more…)

  • Why Should You Care About Blockchain and IoT?

    Over the last 2 years, the hype around blockchain has cooled down significantly and IoT continues to penetrate everything we do. Our use case research has found over 400 significant business implementations in just about every industry and it is expected that the 12 billion IoT devices in 2020 will grow to 25 billion by 2025. The World Economic Form believes that Blockchain and IoT has the potential to reduce cost in global GDP by $3-5 trillion over the next 6 years. I believe that number is understated.

     So, why should you care? (more…)

  • Manage Your Business Like You Are Going to Sell It

    Group50’s CEO, Jim Gitney, was recently asked by an executive about how he should manage the division he just took over as its president.  Jim told him “Manage it like you are going to sell it – maximize value creation”.   The executive gave a strange look and asked why that mattered. (more…)

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