Engage Employees on One Most Important Goal

Engage Employees on One Most Important Goal

By: Admin   |     February 20, 2023

Jim Gitney joins our host, Diane Helbig, to share his thoughts around the importance of fully engaging all stakeholders in the implementation of strategy through the use of the Business Hierarchy of Needs framework as well as developing and implementing strategy based on one – Most Important Goal (MIG)



Jim Gitney has over 45 years of senior level experience in world class companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 50. He founded Group50® Consulting in 2004 and has worked with over 200 companies formulating and implementing strategy. He has extensive experience in running large global operations and working with boards, business owners and executives on developing and implementing transformative strategic initiatives including Growth, lean management business process reengineering and sustainable continuous improvement initiatives.

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This entry was posted in Business Hierarchy of Needs®, Podcasts, Strategic Execution 5.0 ™, Strategy Realized - The Business Hierarchy of Needs®, on February 20, 2023

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