Developing an IoT strategy for your business

Developing an IoT strategy for your business

  • Developing an IoT strategy for your business

    Most companies are struggling to identify the value of IoT (Internet of Things) and Blockchain in their business. That is partly due to the relationship between Strategy and IoT. While there is a need to have an IoT strategy, it needs to be a subset of the ultimate business strategy. IoT is an enabling technology that allows the business to rethink it strategy, how it goes to market and the product road (goods and services) that IoT enables.  As a result, …Read More

  • Blockchain and IoT Strategy and Use Cases – Aviation
    It was a month ago that I did a Blockchain and IoT workshop with over 65 Aviation executives at the IAFS Planning Summit in Denver.  In that workshop, I discussed Blockchain and IoT applications in the Aviation Industry.  I did an informal pole and found that the average understanding of Blockchain and IoT amongst executives is …Read More
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