Objectively Picking The Right Manufacturing Location
  • Objectively Picking The Right Manufacturing Location

    Is picking the right manufacturing location purely an objective exercise or is it subjective as well? The answer is yes to both. The objective side clearly affects your P&L, while the subjective side effects the risk to your P&L. In choosing the right manufacturing location it is important to do the analysis with 4 key objectives in mind. They are as follows: (more…)

  • Leveraging Technology for Your Next Wave of Productivity

    Most leadership teams believe they have a pretty good handle on how well the company is doing from a cost and productivity standpoint. They probably do know the people side fairly well being that it is relatively easy to measure:  $Revenue/$ of labor cost or $Revenue/person is a standard measure, while time standards for all sorts of activities are very common.

    Attempting to understand how efficient their business processes are is (more…)

  • Continuous Improvement and Its Impact on Market Effectiveness

    Many have long considered Continuous Improvement activities mostly relevant to manufacturing and related operational functions.

    However, continuing competitiveness and growth in market share is built upon a steady, progressive march forward in all areas of a business. And since a company’s Market Effectiveness activities and functions (shown below) are the most market-oriented and customer-intimate parts of a business, effective Continuous Improvement efforts are (more…)

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