Blockchain – IoT Strategy Workshop


The blockchain and strategy workshop is designed to have the senior leadership team build a multi-year blockchain strategy for their business. During the multi-session workshop, leaders will define how blockchain and IoT can be leveraged in their business. Using cause and effect tools, they will develop a blockchain interrelationship roadmap which will outline the impact to business processes, the organization, customers and suppliers. Over a multi-week period, leaders and working groups will be given specific tasks to continue to develop their understanding of the transformative and disintermediation capabilities across the business and the supply chain as well as defining specific strategy elements. At the end of the workshop the leadership team will have developed a blockchain strategy for their business, goals and objectives, a high-level implementation roadmap, expected impacts, next steps and a communication plan to the company’s stakeholders.  


  • Further developed understanding of the application of blockchain and IoT technologies in the company’s business
  • Identification of the transformative impacts inside the business
  • Blockchain strategy(ies)
  • Build the business case
  • Development of business objectives, next steps and expected impacts
  • Communication plan


Attendance to Group50’s Blockchain Immersion Workshop or an advanced understanding of blockchain applications in business.

Length of Workshop – 4 – 6 weeks elapsed time

  • ½ day of upfront work with the presenter to customize the workshop to the company’s industry and current strategic plans
  • 2-4 one day meetings depending on company size and strategic complexity

Who Should Attend

  • Senior leadership team and select functional leaders who are responsible for strategy
  • May include customers or suppliers who are requesting the company’s participation in their blockchain initiative

Expected Learning/Outcomes

  • Blockchain business case
  • Updated business strategy which includes blockchain technology
  • Transformative impact of blockchain: internal and external
  • Framework for implementation inside the company including next steps


At the end of the Blockchain Strategy Workshop, the leadership team will have developed a blockchain strategy for their business and integrated it with the existing business strategy.  The blockchain strategy will include key strategic elements, goals and objectives, high level implementation roadmap, next steps and appropriate communication plans.

Find out more about Group50’s blockchain – IoT solution Scioebc here.

For more information or scheduling contact:

Group50® Consulting at (909) 944-9083, email to , or request more information here.

(Part of Group50’s Company Physical® Series of Business Assessments and Workshops:

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